We accept qualified students from around the world.
Successful applicants applying to one of our full first degrees (e.g. BA / BSc / LLB) or Diploma of Higher Education programmes must normally satisfy our general entrance Requirements and specific programme requirements (e.g. Mathematics and English competency).
Those applying to one of our lower awards (e.g. Certificate of Higher Education), must normally hold qualifications at least equivalent to WASSCE standard grade C or above and must satisfy specific programme requirements (e.g. Mathematics and English Language competency).
You will need access to a computer and to the internet in order to study successfully on all of our courses. Students are strongly encouraged to secure their own laptop computers in advance of the programme.
Please note: where possible IMATT College will always try and advise an applicant on eligibility prior to submitting a formal application.
If you are not automatically eligible then you will be individually considered by the College’s Special Admissions Panel. The Special Admissions Panel will consider qualifications which are not published under the Qualifications for Entrance Schedule, incomplete qualifications (e.g. diplomas / degrees) and substantial relevant work experience. If we cannot accept you with your current qualifications and experience, we will advise you what qualifications you could take in order to become eligible in the future.
The College is committed to ensuring all decisions taken by the Admissions Office are clear, transparent and in-line with set precedent.
If you want to appeal against a decision concerning your eligibility, then please contact us via You must state the basis of your appeal and include any additional information such as further complete/incomplete qualifications or work reference(s) that were not submitted with your original application.
Providing that no additional evidence is required, we will aim to respond to an appeal with a reviewed decision within ten working days.
How to Apply
Go to the Bank and pay Application fee, you will be given a pin which you will use to Register and access the Online Application Portal on our website. Make sure you fill in the application correct.
Make sure all your contact details on the application are valid and correct. It is through this contact details that you will receive our response to your application.
At this stage you will be asked to provide the following documents:
- Copies of all relevant qualifications
- Proof of work experience (if applicable)
Your documents can be uploaded with your online application form or you may wish to email them at a later date. If you do not upload the documents with your application form, we will write to you requesting the documents that are required and will give further information about how you can submit the required evidence. You can also send your verified documents to us at our address below:
Note: Please do not send original documents.
If it is more convenient for you, bring your documents to our office in Freetown or Conakry. We will take a copy and return them to you immediately.
Admissions Office
IMAT College
20 Hennessey Street
Freetown, Sierra Leone
+232 78 900082
Admissions Office
IMAT College
Nongo Taady
Commune de Ratoma
En face de la Station Shell
Conakry, Guinea
Tel: +224 628 686161
If you meet the eligibility criteria and all the documents are complete, your application will be progressed to the next stage.
Applicants will be scheduled to sit an admissions interview; this will be conducted with the admissions office on a scheduled date.
You will then be issued a Conditional Offer Letter which outlines the course you have applied for and fees due
You need to pay your course fees before you can become a student. Once we have received payment, we’ll send you your study materials and study information as soon as it is available.
You can pay your fees online or in-person. Pay online using the bank details which will provided to you with your Conditional Letter of Acceptance. Pay in person using cash or a debit/credit card at the Admissions Office.
Admissions Office
IMAT College
20 Hennessey Street
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Tel: +232 76841990 or +232 78900082
Admissions Office
IMAT College
Lambanyi Marche
Commune de Ratoma
Conakry, Guinea
Tel: +224 628 686161
The Admissions Office is open from 9:00 until 17:00 from Monday to Friday.
The college keeps records of internal tests and mock examinations conducted by lectures for all courses we run. The Academic Affairs officer supervises the collection and recording of all such record in the examination records book. These tests mocks results are used to advise students on a one to one basis of their readiness to present themselves for the final examination at each stage of the studies. The Examinations Committee uses these data to evaluate the relationship between internal performances and students’ performances in the final examination.
This has been an important tool available to the Academic Affairs for appraising lectures. Students’ records for class attendance, examination and test participations are used as tools to evaluate students’ performance. Information from these records is used to advise prospective candidates to enter fully or partly for examinations or postpone entry to examination.